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Feng Shui Psychology's 

25 Point Space Success Quotient© 

shows how your space is effecting results, motivation, perception, focus, creativity and relationships.




Business/ Healthcare Consultations

  1. Location

  2. View

  3. Signage

  4. Layout of floorplan

  5. Indoor traffic flow

  6. Ceiling height

  7. Furnishings

  8. Ergonimics

  9. Contents

  10. Images

  11. Lighting

  12. Acoustics

  13. Temperature

14.  Yin Yang balance

15.  Textures

16.  Feng shui 5 element balance

17.  Colors

18.  Bagua analysis

19.  Archetypal influences

20.  Temperament fit

21.  Clutter quotient

22.  Distraction factors

23.  Smells

24.  Privacy

25.  Living things

Residential Consultations

  1. Location

  2. View

  3. Layout of floorplan

  4. Indoor traffic flow

  5. Ceiling height

  6. Furnishings

  7. Contents

  8. Images

  9. Lighting

  10. Acoustics

  11. Clutter quotient

  12. Temperature

  13. Storage

14.  Yin Yang balance

15.  Textures

16.  Feng shui 5 element balance

17.  Colors

18.  Bagua analysis

19.  Archetypal influences

20.  Temperament fit

21.  Personal Feng Shui element

22.  Distraction factors

23.  Smells

24.  Living things

25.  Person-Space Needs

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